Final Word from Friday, December 3, 2004

When Czech Radio asked Václav Klaus yesterday if other heads of state share his opposition to the draft EU constitution, he avoided the obvious answer by saying that "lots" of people are on his side. He could have included Laurent Fabius but wouldn't like to be compared to the French Socialist. Fabius opposes the constitution but, unlike Klaus, is pro-European and merely wants the draft to be renegotiated. He complains that the final version could never be changed, and he wants a group of avant-garde countries to integrate faster. Klaus, in contrast, is "100%" against the constitution and warns against "Europeism." Fabius' party handed him a defeat this week by backing the draft. It's too early to say whether Klaus will have better luck in the CR. The two oppose the draft for different reasons, but they're both putting up a valiant fight in what will likely be a losing battle. European Union Czech Republic France Socialist Party


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FS Final Word