Final Word from Wednesday, May 11, 2005

George W. Bush said in Tbilisi yesterday that the "sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia must be respected." He mentioned five times in Riga what "must" be done. At home, he's even more adamant, having used "must" 25 times in the State of the Union address. The crowd cheered him in Tbilisi, but Bush could win more friends if he didn't tell people what they "must" do. Journalists, for a good reason, are taught to avoid the word. "Should" is fine, but "must" is too confrontational. Dominique Strauss-Kahn of France said small countries that vote No on the EU constitution should be shown the door, but he didn't say they "must" vote Yes. Václav Klaus complained to Vladimir Putin that Gen. Jaruzelski was awarded a medal of honor, but he didn't say he "must not" get one. Those who say "must" mustn't be surprised if the response is a polite "get lost." [Czech Republic President United States U.S. USA Russia Latvia Baltics Geneal Wojciech Poland]]


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