Final Word from Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The species of bipedal primates that work at government agencies, ministries and courts can be divided into three subspecies. First are the meticulously honest civil servants who resist any instance of corruptive behavior. Next are those with no scruples or strategy who are eager to take any bribe that comes along. Last are the strategic thinkers who create an image of impeccability by refusing the spare change and waiting for, say, someone from a small Persian Gulf country to drop off a suitcase of cash in exchange for a once-in-a-lifetime decision. Justice Minister Pavel Němec puts the CR's Supreme Court justices firmly into the first group. He told the BBC yesterday that the judges (and specifically the deputy chief justice) are appointed for life and that he can't possibly imagine what could influence one of their decisions. As minister, he has millions of reasons to be happy with them.[Czech Republic judicial system state workers Qatar]


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FS Final Word