Final Word from Wednesday, November 30, 2005

CDU in Germany, the Republicans in the U.S. and ODS in the CR are all having trouble succeeding as traditional low-tax, small-government, get-off-your-butt-and-work parties. Creeping socialism, entitlism and denialism are displacing conservative values. In Germany, Angela Merkel has forsaken much of what she campaigned for. In the CR, polls show that voters predominantly favor the Left. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," is ODS's new motto, as it promotes a welfare plan that is more favorable for many people than what ČSSD envisions. Under the Communists, objectors went to prison or suffered privately instead of giving up their ideals. ODS feels it has been in "prison" long enough and is desperate to get out. It's plan might work, but the CR would perhaps be better served by a conservative ODS in the opposition than a quasi-socialist ODS in the government. [Czech Republic entitlement CDU/CSU conservatism]


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FS Final Word