Final Word from Thursday, November 2, 2006

The theory was that Václav Klaus and Miloš Zeman were making all the decisions. Their agreement, the theory went, called for Zeman to help Klaus get reelected by means of a Pavel Bém-led grand coalition. Zeman's payback would be his return as de facto ČSSD head and the presidency after Klaus's second term was up. The first sign that Zeman might break this agreement came when Miroslav Kalousek of KDU jumped into bed with ČSSD and the Communists. A center-left government could have elected Zeman as the next president. That deal broke down quickly, though, and now it's ODS that needs Zeman's help in forming a cabinet. Zeman is obliging by working to sideline Jiří Paroubek as ČSSD chair. The biggest current question in Czech politics is whether Mirek Topolánek is willing to ditch Klaus and give Zeman what he wants - the presidency - in return for ČSSD's support for an ODS-led government that serves a four-year term. [Czech Republic KDU-ČSL presidential elections KSČM]


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