Final Word from Thursday, June 14, 2007

MF Dnes printed the seemingly sensational news yesterday and today that Václav Klaus was being watched for two years in the mid-1980s by the StB secret police. His economic seminars at the state bank were spreading un-Marxist thoughts. Klaus clearly passed the StB's inspection, though, because the Communist regime later allowed him to travel abroad and to preach his "subversive" economics on Austrian TV. MFD neglected to mention this detail from Klaus's past, because it didn't fit into its agenda. After having painted Josef Tošovský as a former StB agent in Feb., it's now painting Klaus as the opposite - an StB irritant. This is another step toward eliminating the threat of a Havelian dissident candidate in the presidential elections. MFD finally learned its lesson and didn't entrust its latest StB "scoop" to reporter Jaroslav Kmenta. It would have been a little too obvious what it's up to.[Czech Republic Czechoslovakia central bank television Mafra Václav Havel]


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