Final Word from Wednesday, June 20, 2007

From the way the Russians speak of it, you'd think the Gabala radar base in Azerbaijan were the pride of the post-Soviet military, with cutting-edge technology ready to uncover the slightest rogue nuke. Russian TV gave its viewers a behind-the-scenes peak at the technology. Tiny radar screens the size of today's car GPS systems, with bulky CRT displays; old-style dial telephones piled on desks; not a computer in sight. The command center at Prague Airport is far better equipped! Which raises two questions. Are the Russians mainly offering the facility because they want U.S. technology? And are the Americans turning down the offer not only for this reason, but also because they don't want to admit that, for at least the next few years, rickety Russian radar is just fine for keeping tabs on the Iranians? Who are of course even more technologically backward than the Russians.[Czech Republic Iran Television RTR United States of America Letiště Praha missile defense nuclear]


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