Final Word from Monday, February 18, 2008

Readers will forgive one more Klaus-Clinton comparison. There are growing suspicions among Obamans that the Clinton team will steal the Democratic nomination at the convention by convincing unpledged "super-delegates" to side with Hillary, even if Barack Obama has the lead in pledged delegates and in the national polls. Critics say that this would be devastating for the Democratic Party and might allow the Republicans to win the general election. In the CR, MP Evžen Snítilý of ČSSD played the role of super-delegate. He cast the deciding vote in Klaus's favor, raising suspicions that his seven children and mortgage were a higher calling than a party pledge. Even MFD, Klaus's unofficial mouthpiece, thought it was a bit too much to swallow. Klaus's head will ache for awhile, Editor-in-chief Robert Čásenský of MFD said. But soon enough, presumably, it will be back to business as usual.[Czech Republic MF Dnes presidential elections United States of America]

Glossary of difficult words

super-delegate - a high-ranking Democrat who is not obliged to vote at the convention in accordance with the wishes of the electorate;

Obaman - a supporter of Barack Obama; also "Obamite";

pledged delegate - a delegate obliged to vote for a specific candidate, based on the outcome of a primary election;

national polls - the opinion polls could be a factor in choosing the Democratic nominee;

mouthpiece - a person or organization that speaks on behalf of someone.

to swallow - to accept.


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