Final Word from Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg is fond of using non-diplomatic language when trying to make a point, so he'll forgive us for saying that on his big radar day yesterday, he looked like crap. He was as elegant as usual, mind you, but he was obviously exhausted from his grueling trip to the Caucasus and, given his recent heart operation, should have spent the day in bed. Rumors are flying that he'll soon announce his resignation because of the Kroll report on Jiří Čunek's finances. No matter how you look at it, this is a lose-lose situation. Čunek is going to remain, and Schwarzenberg is going to end his political career on a sour note, instead of a radar high. In retrospect, Schwarzenberg should have dropped the kooky Kroll idea and told the truth: That he was merely looking for a way to hang around until the radar treaty was signed, and then would leave for health reasons.[Czech Republic missile defense]

Glossary of difficult words

high - a high point, or a state of euphoria or excitement;

to be fond of - to be keen on, partial to;

crap - (mildly offensive) something of very low quality;

exhausted - drained of one's physical or mental resources, very tired;

grueling - extremely tiring and demanding;

to end on a sour note - to end under bad or unpleasant circumstances;

kooky - strange or crazy.


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FS Final Word