Final Word from Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's been said before, but it's worth repeating. You can't expect excellence from people in times of emergency if it isn't required from them in times of calm. The idea that a train can run at full speed under a bridge that it being repaired is unfathomable, but it happened. Seven people died when the bridge collapsed, and now the blame game has begun. Where to start pointing fingers? At mothers who don't require their little boys to take their plates to the sink after dinner or who allow them to cross the street without looking both ways first? At government officials who, through their own irresponsible behavior, give negative reinforcement to everyone else's screwups? Responsibility for the bridge collapse might in the end be put on ČD, SŽDC, ODS-DSO, B&K or perhaps even GOD, but the real culprits are the many little ways people are encouraged to shirk their everyday, humdrum obligations.[Czech Republic České dráhy Czech Railways Dopravní stavby Ostrava Bögl a Krýsl Správa železniční dopravní cesty Studénka]

Glossary of difficult words

unfathomable - incomprehensible, impossible to understand;

the blame game - accusations exchanged among people who refuse to accept responsibility for an undesirable event;

to point the finger - to openly accuse someone or to apportion blame;

negative reinforcement - encouraging a behavior by the absence or removal of an aversive or punishing consequence;

screwup - a situation that has been completely mismanaged or mishandled;

ČD - Czech Railways;

SŽDC - the rail-management company; 

ODS-DSO, Bögl & Krýsl - construction companies;

to shirk - to avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility);

humdrum - lacking excitement or variety; dull, monotonous.


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FS Final Word