Final Word from Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bush-detractors like to point out all the things the current U.S. administration has gotten wrong - WMD, Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina, etc. - as a way to explain why Americans are skeptical about the management of the financial crisis. What about the current Czech administration? Is its past performance a guarantee of future results? If we listed all the decisions of the Topolánek cabinet, what percentage would be transparent, disinterested and completely and resolutely to the benefit of the country? Fifty percent? Sixty? Or perhaps only thirty? Whatever the figure, it's likely to fall far short of 100%, esp. in the run-up to elections. And if we transfer this percentage to the likelihood that the Topolánek government will handle the financial crisis correctly, it's not a reassuring picture. This is one time Topolánek needs to put all self-interests aside and make 100% sure he's doing the right thing.[Czech Republic Mirek prime minister United States George W. weapons of mass destruction]

Glossary of difficult words

detractor - a person who disparages or finds fault with someone;

WMD - weapons of mass destruction;

"past performance is no guarantee of future results" - a phrase often used on investment literature;

disinterested - not influenced by considerations of personal advantage;

resolutely - positively, definitely;

run-up - the period preceding a notable event;

reassuring - removing doubts and fears.


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FS Final Word