Final Word from Monday, September 13, 2010

Public officials like Thilo Sarrazin are run out of office and given a payoff to keep them from discussing issues of civilizational importance. Commentators enjoy slightly more leeway. Jiří Štický of MFD wrote on Sat. that the CR is destroying itself by buying solar panels from China, plastering them across the country, and charging a solar subsidy that is so high that factories will be forced to shut and move to China (so that China can later nationalize them, we might add). As HN reported today, some of the CR's most-influential businessmen (and perhaps politicians too) are profiting from this process and might have actively promoted it. The "solutions," it seems, will only make the matter worse. "How can you sleep at night?" asked a character in HBO's "Treme" after his Katrina claim was rejected. "I drink," answered the claims adjuster. The Czech "elite" fall asleep thinking about the next big scam. [Czech Republic Czechia Abolishes Itself Hospodářské noviny MF Dnes Deutschland]

Glossary of difficult words

Tschechien schafft sich ab - (Germany Abolishes Itself) the German title of Thilo Sarrazin's book about the social breakdown of Germany;

payoff - a payment made to someone, esp. as a bribe or reward, or on leaving a job; FAZ reported that Sarrazin will receive a higher pension for leaving the German central bank early;

leeway - the amount of freedom to move or act that is available;

to plaster - to cover a surface with a large number of something;

Treme - pronounced Tre-may;

claims adjuster - an insurance official who examines claims and determines the extent of the insurer's liability;

scam - a dishonest scheme; a fraud.


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FS Final Word