Final Word from Monday, August 29, 2011

WikiLeaks released hundreds of cables on Fri. sent from the U.S. embassy in Pragueto Washington in 1992-2010. Most entertaining was the one on the CR's most influentialwomen, which was jumped on by Blesk. Also mentioned by the Czech press wasthe rise in corruption and the decline in the ability of the government to combat it.Interesting to businesspeople are remarks by former Amb. William Cabaniss aboutthe Telecom privatization, the "unfortunate Boeing blunder" at Aero Vodochody, andODS's ability to benefit from "overpriced or unnecessary construction projects." Orthe comment about "continued, heavy support from the (Prague) airport for ČSA."It's also interesting to read what Jan Fischer told AmCham about the Czech politicalsystem being broken. Alas, all the newly released Prague cables were unclassified,and anyone expecting anything of any real significance will be disappointed.

Glossary of difficult words

airport reading - light reading that does not tax the brain too much;

cable - a diplomatic message;

alas - an expression of pity, grief or concern.


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FS Final Word