Final Word from Thursday, August 29, 2013

On the same day that the Czech government indirectly condemned the plans of the U.S., U.K. and France to fire missiles at Syria, ODS announced with great pomp that it is now on Flickr and Pinterest. Of the major parties, only ČSSD bothered to comment on Syria. (It basically stuck to Miloš Zeman's line, as did the Rusnok cabinet). Czech politicians tend to see everything through the wrong end of a telescope and fail to understand that the country's future is very much tied to the outside world. Petr Gazdík of TOP 09 went on a walkabout in the woods and came back with the understanding that our civilization is heading toward collapse. We will eventually run out of energy, food and jobs, he concluded. Fair enough, but what about the immediate problems of unwinnable wars and unsustainable debt? These are the Western world's most serious current issues, but few Czech politicians dare to touch them. [Czech Republic United States United Kingdom Great Britain social networks rockets Jiří foreign policy Bohuslav Sobotka Lubomír Zaorálek]

Glossary of difficult words

unsustainable - not able to be maintained at a current level or rate;

pomp - ceremony and splendid display;

walkabout - a journey on foot by an Australian Aboriginal in order to live in the traditional manner;

to touch - (with negative) used to indicate that something is avoided or rejected.


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FS Final Word