Final Word from Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hundreds of refugees from Kladno, Rakovník, Roztoky and other Central Bohemian areas have found residential asylum with friends or relatives in Prague 6 in anticipation of the blue-zone parking wall that went up today. These "legal illegals" have found a way to continue commuting to Prague by car, but thousands of others don't have a solution to their new problem. Prague wants to force people to ride the train, but there simply aren't enough park & ride lots to allow them all to do so. What is needed is a coordinated approach to traffic on the Prague, regional and even national level, but the politicians involved are running their own fiefdoms and aren't interested in anyone else's problems. The CR has coordinators for almost everything, from the digital agenda to the fake war on corruption. A person who could cut through the special interests and come up with an integrated road, rail, bike and foot plan would be worth his or her weight in gold. [Czech Republic lots]

Glossary of difficult words

to commute - to travel some distance between one's home and one's place of work on a regular basis;

fiefdom - anything, as an organization or piece of real estate, owned or controlled by one dominant person or group; the estate or domain of a feudal lord;

to cut through - to penetrate something by cutting; to make clear something that has been made difficult to understand.


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FS Final Word