Final Word from Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The same people who suffered a defeat yesterday with the removal of Vlastimil Rampula as senior Prague state prosecutor could be speeding toward a victory in the presidential election. Although Rampula and Miloš Zeman technically represent opposite sides of the political spectrum, on matters of importance they serve the same kind of constituent - the businessmen and politicians who don't want things to improve in the country. Jan Fischer also fits the bill, but Zeman is the preferred candidate because he has a more-proven track record. What we should fear from Zeman was perhaps best expressed by Petr Nováček on Česká pozice. He noted that if President Zeman deemed it desirable from the standpoint of political stability, the Constitution would allow him to appoint Klaus as PM. In point of fact, before there was ever a Putin-Medvedev tandem, there was a Klaus-Zeman opposition agreement.[Czech Republic Russia ČSSD ODS Vladimír Dmitri direct elections]

Glossary of difficult words

constituent - voter; one of those with the power to appoint or elect;

to fit the bill - to be suitable for a particular purpose;

track record - the past achievements or performance of a person, organization or product;

to deem - to regard or consider in a specific way;

opposition agreement - the agreement from 1998 between PM Miloš Zeman and ODS Chair Václav Klaus on political stability.


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FS Final Word