Final Word from Monday, September 30, 2019

In his new book, "Permanent Record," Edward Snowden explains how NSA operatives were able to pull up "pretty much anyone's address, or IP address, and then basically go through the recent history of their online activity." This wasn't limited to any specific geographic area. "Everyone's communications were in the system - everyone's." Since his revelations in 2013, there's no reason to believe that anything has substantially changed. The CIA's stated goal is to "collect everything, and hang onto it forever." The NSA and CIA cooperate closely with the Czech counterintelligence and cybersecurity agencies, BIS and NÚKIB. Dir . Dušan Navrátil of NÚKIB complained last week that he's not getting enough money to fight foreign hackers. A reader of "Permanent Record" might reasonably ask how much of the cyber efforts of BIS and NÚKIB are going toward protecting Czechs against outward enemies, and how much toward helping NSA/CIA spy on them. [ Czech Republic United States of America ]

Glossary of difficult words

to hang onto - to keep or retain; to store.


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FS Final Word