Final Word from Sunday, January 2, 2022

In his New Year's address on Sat. and on CNN Prima News yesterday, PM Petr Fiala spoke of the difficulties facing the country in 2022 and said that it will take a long time to fix the problems of inflation, the budget, energy and covid. He blamed many of the problems on the cabinet of Andrej Babiš, which is a standard way to give a new government a better starting position and to lower the expectations about how quickly the promised change will arrive. With presidential elections in one year, the new government has the opposite objective of Babiš, regardless of whether Babiš runs for the position himself or supports another candidate. Babiš wants to improve his own candidate's chances by showing how his government was better, while Fiala wants to fix the problems quickly or at least delay the negative impact. If Fiala wins this confrontation over the next 6-9 months, he will become the logical choice to continue the battle against Babiš on the level of the presidential elections. [ Czech Republic covid-19 coronavirus deficit ]


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FS Final Word