Final Word from Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Václav Klaus might end up being shut out of the next cabinet, but he could still remain a significant political force. Political analyst Jiří Pehe said on Czech Radio that Klaus could begin openly opposing EU accession. A cabinet of ČSSD and the Coalition would be founded on their common commitment to accession, Pehe said, so it might have to resign next year if a referendum on EU entry fails to pass. Klaus could then get another chance at governing. Minister Pavel Rychetský, who is involved in the coalition negotiations, also warned (in Právo) against writing ODS off because it could take an anti-EU stance. Vladimír Špidla might have to appease Klaus. He could perhaps offer Klaus the chairmanship of Parliament again, or he could strike a deal calling for Klaus or a mutually acceptable other candidate to succeed Václav Havel as president.