Final Word from Tuesday, December 17, 2002

In response to Eduard Míka’s comment about what business needs to do, Richard Hunt noted that "business" embraces not only Škoda Auto, Eurotel and Unilever, but also Harvard, IPB, TV Nova, Škoda Plzeň and others. For proper business to have a voice, he said, it must position itself as much against shady companies as against the government's socialist policies. Václav Baloun argued that if the presidential elections turn into a farce, influential economic groups could become even stronger. Where would that leave proper business? Jan Kasl of the European Democrats said he agrees with Míka that right-wing politicians have shown more concern for their own pockets and positions than for their country. For businesses to have a voice, he argued, they'll need to find a political party they can trust and relate to. He hopes, of course, that it will be his.


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FS Final Word