Final Word from Monday, April 4, 2005

Petra Buzková, Martin Jahn and other prominent defenders of Stanislav Gross are playing right into ODS's hands. If they had demanded immediately after the launch of the apartment and brothel scandals that Gross resign, President Václav Klaus would have found it difficult to appoint anyone other than a ČSSD person as the new premier. But things are different now. Klaus has taken over control of the situation and will be able to justify a provisional government of his own liking if the cabinet steps down. Gross's erstwhile defenders are suddenly threatening to resign because the Communist Party was invited to the power table. If the turncoats had had such high principles two months ago (seemingly corrupt behavior wasn't enough to get them to act), they might have saved their jobs and the coalition. Instead, they're scurrying to leave a sinking ship. [Czech Republic KSČM deputy premier education minister]


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FS Final Word