Final Word from Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Everybody has a theory about why Václav Klaus visited Miloš Zeman over the weekend. The most common one is that Klaus wants the reelection support of the few ČSSD MPs still enthralled with Zeman. Our theory is slightly different. We suspect Klaus wanted Zeman's advice on how to nip any serious attempt at direct presidential elections in the bud. Of course, there isn't time to make the changes by Feb. for a direct election. But if the political bosses held firm in opposing Klaus for reelection - and all but KDU's Jiří Čunek has a good reason for doing so - the best way to agree on a substitute might be for the non-Klaus to vow to support direct presidential elections in, say, two years. Just such a Zubkov-like candidate might be Senate Chair Přemysl Sobotka. And he happens to be hosting a conference next week on direct presidential elections, with all five party heads scheduled to appear.[Czech Republic ODS KDU-ČSL Greens KSČM Viktor]


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