Final Word from Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Since at least Sept. of last year, Richard Fuxa of BigBoard outdoor-advertising agency has been planning a billboard campaign against the U.S. radar. The first 10 or so signs are already up, under the auspices of the "No to the Bases" protest group. MFD used the innocuous fact that BigBoard is also active in Russia to suggest that the Russian secret services are the ones paying for the anti-radar campaign. PM Mirek Topolánek has also suggested that foreign intelligence services are behind the "No to the Bases" group. We can't comment on that, but we have learned a thing or two about Mr. Fuxa. Unlike other Czech businesspeople who might disagree with the radar on geopolitical or political grounds, his objections are more down-to-earth: The radar would almost be in his own backyard. He's against it, we hear, for the very simple reason that he doesn't want to have to look at it from his garden.[Czech Republic missile defense United States of America Ne základnám]

Glossary of difficult words

eyesore - a thing that is very ugly, esp. a building that disfigures a landscape;

under the auspices of - with the help, support or protection of;

innocuous - not harmful or offensive;

down-to-earth - with no illusions or pretensions; practical and realistic.


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FS Final Word