Final Word from Thursday, September 17, 2009

With a bit of imagination, it's possible to draw a straight line between the collapse in March of the Topolánek government and the decision this week to call off early elections. Whether the same forces were at work during this entire progression isn't so critical to the analysis. What's more important for the moment is the realization that the extrapolation was interrupted. An attempt was thwarted, at least temporarily, to rewrite the political map and to influence the huge commercial deals that underpin it. ČSSD presented itself as the pitiable victim of the latest assault, but the broader target was probably the entire ČEZ coalition. It's tempting for concerned citizens to cheer anyone who dares to attack the towers of power in Czech politics and business. But until it's clear who has been doing exactly what to whom and why, it will be difficult to know whether the alternative would be any better than the status quo.[Czech Republic]

Glossary of difficult words

six of one and half a dozen of the other - used to convey that there is little real difference between two alternatives;

progression - a movement or development toward a destination or a more advanced state, esp. gradually or in stages;

extrapolation - the extension of the application of a method or conclusion to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will apply;

to thwart - to oppose successfully;

to underpin - to support, justify or form the basis for;

pitiable - deserving or arousing pity;

status quo - the existing state of affairs.


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FS Final Word