Final Word from Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Pres. Miloš Zeman told F1 radio in June of last year that consideration was being given to removing Pavel Zeman but that the supreme state prosecutor apparently avoided this fate by going on the offensive. Miloš Zeman repeated this same idea later with regard to the Million Moments civic group. It had come to Pavel Zeman's defense, making his removal all but impossible. It's ironic that Miloš Zeman is now playing the same role with regard to Dep. Health Min. Roman Prymula. He has become a loose cannon who can't be bolted down or rolled overboard. PM Andrej Babiš is clearly displeased with Prymula's unsanctioned remarks about keeping the borders closed for 1-2 years, banning grocery discounts and intentionally infecting 50-70% of the population with the coronavirus. Interior Min. Jan Hamáček said essentially that Prymula should watch what he says in public. But Miloš Zeman has made Prymula untouchable by promising him the Order of the White Lion. [ Czech Republic deputy minister Frekvence jedna for Democracy ]

Glossary of difficult words

loose cannon - an unpredictable or uncontrolled person who is liable to cause unintentional damage;

to bolt (down) - to fasten (something) to something else with a long pin that screws into a nut;

unsanctioned - not approved.


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FS Final Word