Final Word from Thursday, March 16, 2023

Pres. Petr Pavel signed the bill yesterday for reducing the June inflation adjustment for pensions, which means that the revision to the indexation mechanism will take effect on time and then be challenged by the opposition at the Constitutional Court. One of the main figures in pushing the bill through was MP Marek Benda of ODS, who heads his party's caucus but missed the final debate on the bill in the lower house on March 3-4 because of a medical procedure. This excuse could come in quite handy later in terms of a conflict of interest, because he also happens to be a reported candidate for the Constitutional Court. When asked about his candidacy, Benda gave the typical response that he's happy where he is, but he also told TV Prima that the makeup of the Court should be diverse and that it's not possible for it to include only professional judges. The nomination and approval to the Court of such a prominent politician would be a highly symbolic act in bringing closer together the legislative and judicial branches under the premiership of Petr Fiala and the presidency of Petr Pavel. All in the name of diversity, of course. [ Czech Republic ANO CNN Prima News Parliament legislative emergency justice ]

Glossary of difficult words

caucus - a conference of members of a legislative body who belong to a particular party or faction;

to come in handy - to turn out to be useful.


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