Final Word from Thursday, October 31, 2024

Political commentators are still scratching their heads about what exactly Pres. Petr Pavel meant on Mon. when he said that those who "approach unpopular issues with courage and responsibility" can count on his support. His own highly outspoken economic adviser David Marek of Deloitte had said a few days earlier that he couldn't recommend to the president that the 2025 budget proposal, which was submitted by Finance Min. Zbyněk Stanjura of ODS, be signed in its current form. Pavel's speech also came shortly after STAN Chair Vít Rakušan told Respekt that his party wants an open discussion about the revenue side of the budget and that he will ask other politicians in the election debates next year whether education, street safety and the 2% Nato commitment can all be sufficiently financed under the current tax system. Remember too that it was Pres. Pavel who refused in late Sept. to act as the guardian of the coalition agreement, thereby contributing to the departure of the Pirates and to a surge in the poll ratings of STAN. These are all indications that the main politician who can count on Petr Pavel's support is Vít Rakušan. [ Czech Republic Oct. 28 state holiday address speech police ]

Glossary of difficult words

to scratch one's head - to think hard in order to find a solution to something;

outspoken - frank in stating one's opinions, esp. if they are shocking or controversial;

surge - a sudden large increase.


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