Final Word from Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Czech Republic abstained in early Oct. in an EU vote on increasing the import duties on Chinese cars, meaning that the CR in effect supported the additional customs charges and went against Germany. On the related issue of a free-trade deal with the Mercosur countries of Latin America, the CR is on the same side as Germany in supporting the measure. The determining factor in how the CR leans on such trade issues isn't apparently what Germany wants or even what is best for the CR, but what Brussels wants. Without any real political or public debate, Industry Min. Lukáš Vlček of STAN threw his support behind the deal and said that it would be a huge opportunity for Czech companies. Perhaps he and other Mercosur enthusiasts should take a step back and ask themselves whether they haven't been caught up in another grand scheme from Brussels that risks causing more European disintegration and domestic social strife before a single Czech company ever benefits from freer trade. [ Czech Republic European Union tariffs duty Argentina Bolivia Brazil Paraguay Uruguay ]

Glossary of difficult words

to abstain - formally to decline to vote either for or against a proposal or motion;

strife - angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.

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