Final Word from Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Donald Trump told reporters at the White House yesterday that his team is talking with Ukraine and working on some deals so that the U.S. has some guarantees - in terms of rare earth metals, for example - as a way to "keep that situation really going." This came after his secretary of state, Marco Rubio, agreed last week that Ukraine had lost the war. The dishonesty of the situation, he said, is that we led people to believe that Ukraine would be able not just to defeat Russia, but also to push it all the way back to what the world looked like in 2012 or 2014. On his way out of the White House, Joe Biden all but admitted that victory in Ukraine was never a goal. He achieved his two jobs, he said, of rallying the world to defend Ukraine and avoiding war between two nuclear powers. Czech politicians and others who fell for the American dishonesty (to use Rubio's word) should at least now have clarity on the issue and understand that what they're supporting in Ukraine are Donald Trump's interests. [ Czech Republic United States State Dept. ]

Glossary of difficult words

to fall for - to be deceived by (something);

clarity - the quality of being coherent and intelligible.

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