PDF issues for the Year 2025

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January 2025
02/01ThursdayPDFPavel anticipates big changes in 2025read this issue
06/01MondayPDFCzech boots on the ground in Ukraineread this issue
07/01TuesdayPDFThe Austrian experienceread this issue
08/01WednesdayPDFCharlie Hebdo and Okamuraread this issue
09/01ThursdayPDFBradáčová then, Bradáčová nowread this issue
13/01MondayPDFLame-duck Fialaread this issue
14/01TuesdayPDFWhose new StB?read this issue
15/01WednesdayPDFPavel Doctrineread this issue
16/01ThursdayPDFFarewell to a nationread this issue
20/01MondayPDFEscalation of expectationsread this issue
21/01TuesdayPDFTrump-sizing Czech foreign policyread this issue
22/01WednesdayPDFFiala crime familyread this issue
23/01ThursdayPDFFormer spy to sign spy billread this issue
27/01MondayPDFMore funding for pro-government mediaread this issue
28/01TuesdayPDFTracking down illegal Czechsread this issue
29/01WednesdayPDFAddiction denialread this issue
30/01ThursdayPDFAleš Michl's greedread this issue

February 2025
03/02MondayPDFCzech-Slovak spy warsread this issue
04/02TuesdayPDFTrump's interests in Ukraineread this issue
05/02WednesdayPDFTrump, Fiala want to weaken Iranread this issue
06/02ThursdayPDFTrump disrupts transition of Czech societyread this issue
10/02MondayPDFTrump and Řehkaread this issue
11/02TuesdayPDFCzech sovereignty and the EU vetoread this issue
12/02WednesdayPDFLearning from Trump's steel tariffsread this issue
13/02ThursdayPDFBabiš gives up Okamura and boosts Rakušanread this issue


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