Final Word from Monday, April 22, 2024

The Czech opposition has rarely had it better. There are so many things causing concern on the national and international level that it's a turkey shoot for opposition MPs and the small parties that trying to get into Parliament. Efforts by the ruling coalition at pension reform, for example, come at an especially sensitive time because of higher living costs, AI advancements and added worries about a secure future. The same goes for the proposed labor-code changes of ODS, because by now nearly everyone senses that employers are making preparations for big layoffs. The argument that the government is doing more for Ukrainians than Czechs also still resounds, even as the refugees are themselves being increasingly squeezed by the government. It's almost unfair for it to be so easy for opposition politicians to get attention by just saying No to anything. Which increases the demand on the ruling coalition to show that its tough measures are truly in the best interest of the country and its citizens. [ Czech Republic ANO SPD SocDem retirement ]

Glossary of difficult words

turkey shoot - a situation, typically in a war, in which the aggressor has an overwhelming advantage;

advancement - a development or improvement;

to resound - to be much spoken of;

to squeeze - to press (someone) in order to obtain something from him or her.


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