Final Word from Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The police reorganization announced on June 8, 2016, by Police Pres. Tomáš Tuhý was one of the biggest disputes of the government of Bohuslav Sobotka. Finance Min. Andrej Babiš called it a violation of the coalition agreement and said that both Tuhý and Interior Min. Milan Chovanec should resign. The three top prosecutors (Pavel Zeman, Lenka Bradáčová, Ivo Ištvan) warned against a hasty merger of the ÚOOZ and ÚOKFK crime units. Ištvan summoned Tuhý and his deputy Zdeněk Laube to determine whether this was a way to get rid of ÚOOZ Dir. Robert Šlachta. In his new book, Šlachta says on Page 291 that lawyer Radek Pokorný panicked because ÚOOZ had learned of his effort to use fake information to extort lawyer Karel Muzikář with regard to the Škoda Transportation/Czech Railways arbitration and then put pressure on Sobotka to get rid of Šlachta. Sobotka ordered Chovanec to take action, Šlachta said, and Chovanec gave the task to Tuhý and Laube. The hasty police reform was born. Pokorný's name didn't appear in the report of the parliamentary investigative commission that followed. [ Czech Republic organized crime Wagner mafia ČSSD ANO ]

Glossary of difficult words

hasty - done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried;

to extort - to obtain (something) by force, threats or other unfair means.


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FS Final Word